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TimeSpeller - display the time in wordsThis screensaver displays the time in words like eg. "quarter past two".

Downloads: (SlimServer 7.0+)

The TimeSpeller plugin is based on the standard DateTime screensaver, but has the ability to display the time in words. It was originally written by gonk for his own needs, published as in the SlimServer forums, and further developped, translated and updated by a joint effort of the community (browny: EN-UK translation and "override values"; Amauta: Dutch translation; me: German translation and more).

TimeSpeller can be used as a screensaver, but it can be integrated with others as well: I added the custom "TIMESPELLER" format, which can be used in eg. MusicInfoSCR. Just add "TIMESPELLER" to the title formats available in "Server Settings/Formatting".

All the strings are defined in strings.txt for easier editing. If you prefer "fifteen past two" over "quarter past two", just edit the strings.txt file and restart SlimServer. Just make sure you keep the file's structure. If you want to be sure to not break anything or don't want to have to restart SlimServer, you can always use my StringEditor plugin to do this customization ;-).

TimeSpeller is currently available in English, French, German, Spanish and Swedish.


Simply unzip the downloaded zip file to your Squeezebox Server's plugins folder and restart the server.


1.6 (2008-08-20)

  • Changes by Marco "SlimSlim" (thanks a lot!):
  • added fuzzy seconds in two line display
  • improved 1/13 o'clock display in German

1.1 (2007-03-14)

  • Peter Watkins rewrote the time calculations and added support for his FuzzyTime plugin
  • new Spanish and French translation
  • fix an issue with the strings file on Linux systems


  • first public release as the renamed "TimeSpeller" plugin

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