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DE: Bitte verwende Einstellungen/Plugins im Squeezebox Server und füge die folgende Adresse den zusätzlichen Repositories hinzu. Das Plugin lässt sich dann einfach per Mausklick aus dem Web Interface installieren.

EN: Please use Squeezebox Server's Settings/Plugins to add the following additional repository. You'll then be able to install plugins right from the Squeezebox Server web interface.


MusicInfoSCR on TransporterDE: Dieser Bildschirmschoner zeigt Informationen zur abgespielten Musik und zum Zustand des Players an und ist frei konfigurierbar. Achtung: nur für die älteren Geräte mit "grünem" Display: SB Classic, Transporter, Boom

FR : cet économiseur d'écran affiche des informations sur la musique écoutée et l'état de la platine, et est librement configurable.

EN: This screensaver displays information about the music being played, your player's state and is freely configurable. Please note: this screensaver only works with the older players using the monochrome display: SB Classic, Transporter, Boom (v4.4.9, Logitech Media Server >=7.0) [32 KB]

DE: Dieses Plugin ersetzt den wenig flexiblen "Now Playing" Bildschirmschoner. Sie können aus einer umfangreichen Liste die Informationen auswählen, die im Display angezeigt werden sollen. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, für die grosse Schriftart (doppelte Höhe) einen separaten Bildschirmschoner zu definieren.

Entpacken Sie einfach das Archiv in das Plugin-Verzeichnis ihrer Installation und starten Sie den Server neu. Gehen Sie nun in die "Player Einstellungen/Musik-Informations Anzeige", um zu definieren, was angezeigt werden soll. Die Formatdefinitionen entsprechen denjenigen, die in "Server Einstellungen/Formatierung/Titelformat" definiert sind. Dort können allenfalls auch neue erfasst werden.

MusicInfo ScreensaverFR : Extrahir l'archive dans le dossier "Plugins" de votre SqueezeCenter et redémarrer celui-ci. Vous trouverez ensuite un nouveau menu "Écran de veille Info Musique" dans les réglages de la platine dans l'interface web de votre serveur. Depuis celui-ci vous pourrez configruer l'économiseur d'écran avec un grand nombre d'information dans différents formats.

MusicInfo ScreensaverEN: Choose from a long list of possible information to be displayed on your player. Additionaly there's the possibility to define a separate format for the huge font (single line) display.

Extract the archive to your server's plugin folder and restart your server. Then go to "Player Settings/Music Information Screen" in your server's web interface to define the information you want to see. The available Strings can be defined in "Server Settings/Formatting/Title Format" where you can add new definitions, too, if you want to.

shuffle and repeat state iconsRepeat/Shuffle Symbols

shuffle off Zufällige Wiedergabe aus / Shuffle off

shuffle songs Zufällige Lieder-Wiedergabe / Shuffle songs

shuffle albums Zufällige Album-Wiedergabe / Shuffle albums

repeat off Wiederholung aus / Repeat off

repeat playlist Wiederhole Wiedergabeliste / Repeat playlist

repeat song Wiederhole Lied / Repeat Song


4.4.7 (2010/03/03)

  • fix button press behaviour when "Jump back" is disabled (see bug 15366)

4.4.6 (2010/01/18)

4.4.5 (2009/10/21)

4.4.3 (2009/09/21)

  • add Off/Alarm screensaver modes
  • fix alarm mode custom font settings

4.3.8 (2009/06/04)

  • fix SC 7.4 compatibility

4.3.7 (2009/01/1)

  • fix situation some tag parsing when using TitleSwitcher plugin

4.3.6 (2008/12/10)

  • fix shuffle/repeat icons when players are synchronized
  • fix situation where screensaver wouldn't update any more
  • use configuration as shown on Boom box as default layout
  • added PLAYTIME_ALWAYS, PLAYTIME_REMAINING (display those values independantly of the Now Playing Information setting)
  • use configuration as shown on Boom box as default layout
  • rename PLAYTIME_PROGRESS to NOWPLAYING_DEFAULT (to point out the fact that it's not only/always displaying playtime, but whatever you selected in the player's basic settings as Now Playing Information)

4.2.0 (2008/08/25)

  • Improved support for remote streaming sources

4.1.3 (2008/08/04)

  • add sleep icon

4.0 (SqueezeCenter 7 only, 2007/12/12)

  • SqueezeCenter 7 support
  • WYSIWYG editor for the settings
  • rely on server side caching of contents, don't cache locally (and therefore remove whitelist as well)
  • code cleanup

3.05 (SlimServer 6.5+ only, 2007/03/26)

  • added X/Y, BUFFER and BUFFERBAR formats
  • added NOTESYMBOL format
  • added KBPS format (thanks to schiegl)
  • add alternative volume, playlist and extended text screen - thanks to Triode
  • added a few more tags like SONGTIME, PLAYTIME_PROGRESS, DATE etc.
  • add a reset button to the settings page
  • improved settings page
  • improve icon handling (use font files)
  • removed SlimServer <6.5 compatibility
  • code cleanup


  • add support for Transporter dual screen
  • several compatibility fixes (and legacy code removed)


  • added Dutch translation - thanks a lot Patrick!
  • ahm... remove that support again as the official addFormat() should already give this possibilty...



  • re-unite versions for SlimServer 6.5 and 6.2.x
  • improve handling of button presses when jumping to the playlist


  • add icons for shuffle and repeat modes - thanks Felix Müller!
  • use new %lines hash and prefs methods introduce in slimserver 6.2
  • remove support for slimserver <=6.1


  • James Craig added a fullscreen progress bar - thanks, James!
  • added support for new scrolling code in 6.1


  • removed manual update of line2 (only with >=6.1)
  • fixed CURRTIME display (don't cache the current time...)
  • fixed PLAYTIME display for streams that display 11329320:33:39...
  • fixed display change after scrolling of second line


  • rewrote PLAYTIME to better support progress bar on graphical displays
  • don't translate format strings (eg. X_OF_Y)


  • added support vor SlimServer v6.0
  • added display cache for much lower cpu load
  • improved handling of online streams (internet radio)


  • added "CURRENTTIME", "PLAYLIST" tags
  • added option to display playlist name if ALBUM/ARTIST is not available (mainly for online streams like ShoutCast)


  • added general "FORMAT (X_OF_Y)"
  • some cosmetics with PLAYTIME: progressbar should take no more than have the line


  • fixed progressbar in PLAYTIME
  • added "X out of Y" style
  • added french translation


  • handle empty playlists, stopped, paused
  • added jump back configuration: jump back to where you left or go to playlist
  • added second value (right) for double line


  • initial release

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